Tuesday, December 31, 2013

25 Weeks

Well, I thought this was going to be a cute picture, but you cant see my sparkly New Years Eve shirt, and my hair looks like crap. But yes, the stomach really is THAT big. 
How far along: 25 Weeks! Finishing up the 5th month. woot woot! 

How big is the baby: So... Interesting story. We got a ultrasound today to check up on the babies kidneys. While there, she takes a bunch of measurements and the kid measures at 29 WEEKSSSSS. This kid is measuring about 3 weeks bigger then average. Needless to say, Ill be having a talk with my Dr about my concerns with a quickly growing baby in my little body... 
Total weight gain: From last week to this week I gained a couple pounds. BUT (wait, let me explain) it was because I was on antibiotics for a bladder infection and antibiotics make you retain water. So the Dr said that doesnt count! SCORE!
Stretch Marks: NOPE! the cocoa butter regiment is still once a day, but Im putting it on a little thicker now. I also use a belly wedge at night. I think that is helping with my stomach not saggy for a long period of time and causing stretch marks. 
Best moment of the week: Going back to the Dr and them telling me that the contractions have stopped, the antibiotics worked and babies heartbeat sounds good. It was a little scary last week. 
Worst moment of the week: So I mentioned I had a sharp pain the other week... come to find out it was a bladder infection causing contractions!! SCARY!! Contractions this early is NOT a good thing. So they put me on antibiotics and told me to take it really easy.
Symptoms: my butt is out of shape... walking up and down stairs is no bueno! 
Movement: Around 12 o'clock each day this kid, I swear to goodness is trying to preform some karate moves! He is punching and kicking me pretty hard for about an hour. Its ok though, he mostly sleeps the rest of the time. 

Have you started to show?: heck freaking yes. 
Gender: Team Blue
Labor Signs: Minus those scary irregular contractions, that I didnt really feel, and are now gone... NO

Belly Button In or Out: IN and hopefully staying in.

Wedding Rings On or Off: on :)

What I’m looking forward to: New Years Eve!! I do have to work at 8am tomorrow so I either see myself taking a nap very soon or not making it to midnight. HA. 
What I miss the most: Since it is New Years eve I do have to say that Champagne is on my mind, gotta love that Fizzy bubbly! Its so delicious, but not this year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Week 24

This is a great picture! We have a guest appearance this week, the wonderful Aunt Nazli the elf!  We were gift exchanging and she wanted a picture with Baby McD and she had the cutest little Santa hat! I had to share :)
How far along: 24 weeks complete! Almost in the third trimester... Holy Crap!

How big is the baby: my app says the Baby McD is about 13 inches long and 1.5lbs. 
Total weight gain: I am actually pleasantly surprised, from last month to this month I didn't gain any weight. Which was probably a good thing since I got yelled at last month for not "watching my carbs." HA! Does she not know I'm Itailan?!
Stretch Marks: still holding strong at no stretch marks! 
Best moment of the week: i love Christmas! The best part is seeing friends and family open up their gifts with such joy and excitement! 
Worst moment of the week: well, I am still wearing my regular clothes, they are starting to get a little tight. A sad moment was the belly sticking out from below one of shirts... #bigbellyproblems
Symptoms: random spurts of being uncomfortable. My ribs are sore and apparently that's from my organs shifting up... That's sounds attractive doesn't it?? And some sore muscles in my back, but I'm getting a massage this weekend with my momma so hopefully that will help.
Movement: still random little movements from time to time. There's only been a couple big shifts. 

Have you started to show?: does my worst moment of the week answer that? The belly is getting so big, it's hanging out and saying "hi" to all! Thank goodness for the wonderful belly band to cover all that good stuff up!
Gender: Team BowTie
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: on

What I’m looking forward to: 
What I miss the most: cold cuts! We had a small Christmas party at work last week and they spent a lot of money on party platters. It was cold cut subs.. Boo I was looking forward to a catered lunch, but I just had my left over spaghetti instead.


Love Catherine, JJ and Baby McD

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

23 Weeks

So my app says that Squishy is the size of an eggplant and I attempted to draw it... hence the question mark

How far along: 23 Weeks! the weeks are rolling by!

How big is the baby: Squishy is 1 foot long! holy cow! There is a foot long alien growing in me!
Total weight gain: Does this question ask my weight gain or Squishy's? HA! Well, in that case, squishy weighs 1.32 lbs according to my IPhone app.

Stretch Marks: Nope. The cocoa butter regiment has been increased from every other day to every day before bed :)
Best moment of the week: I got a pillow wedge! Its a small pillow that supports my tummy when I am laying down. Its pretty awesome. Other then the fact that the dog thinks its a chew toy and takes it from me sometimes. 

Worst moment of the week: I can't really think of any to be truthful. I asked JJ for help and he said "when you yelled at me!" I dont remember yelling at him! So lets just say, no worst moment. 
Symptoms: The nurse seems to think I have stretched my round ligament. Its a stabbing pain in your lower stomach. NOT FUN! So I have a Dr's appointment in the morning to check it out. I briefly googled it and it says pretty much, there is nothing you can do but Tylenol and a heating pad. 

Movement: Yup. More and more every week. Still only small movements but they are becoming more frequent. I wish JJ could feel it though. They aren't long movements and by the time I grab his hand, the kid has already settled down. 
Have you started to show?: Baby McD is out and about. Its hard to miss him now. 

Gender:  Team Bow Tie!
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: This weekend Bob and Amanda are coming over for a nice dinner. We havent seen them in a longgg time! we're also making fajitas, so its going to be a good night!

What I miss: It seems like most of the time in this section I complain about food... so lets keep it going. JJ and I were talking about turkey sausage! ohhh, i love me some turkey sausage but that is on the unapproved this. Its bull crap!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

22 Weeks

So i love this picture and I really wanted to post this instead of the traditional white board. But it will be back next week. This was us getting ready for the Gartens Xmas Party. How about that belly?! Booooom
How far along: 22 Weeks! 18 weeks to go... Holy crap, if thats not a reality check?!

How big is the baby: Squishy is around 11 inches long, almost the size of ruler! I looked at a ruler today... its bigger then you think. He is a little over 1lb.
Total weight gain: nun-ya-damnnn business :) Not too bad though.
Stretch Marks: nothing!
Best moment of the week: I had alot of fun getting all dressed up and going to Gartens Xmas party. It was at there winery and it was gorgeous with LOTS of food. PS. Panty hose suck! I was pretty pathetic trying to put them on, I told jj to close the door and let me struggle in silence.
Worst moment of the week: Im going to vent about the dog for a second. This doesnt really have to do with Squishy, but I got home, she peed in the LoveSac, pooped on the floor and knocked over the cat gate and ate his food. Twice. I was NOT a happy camper. I guess this is what I have to look forward to.
Symptoms:  My belly is starting to get in the way a little bit. I bump into corners every once in awhile. Im trying to be a little more conscience (I think thats how you spell it.) but thats not helping too much. They are just little bumps though. Nothing crazy.
Movement: Yup, little movements here and there. He likes to move around after lunch time and when I lay down at night. JJ had his head on my stomach trying to feel squishy, but unfortunately, he couldnt feel anything... not yet. (I have bumped into him mulitple times with my stomach, that counts, right??)

Have you started to show?: Id freaking say! My belly is bigger then my boobs... If thats not a sad realization. (it took alot of guts for me to admit that...)
Gender: Baby McD is a BOYYYYYY
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off:

What I’m looking forward to: Well, this week so far, JJ and I have fixed two toliets. Now we are going to work on cleaning the place up a little bit, a couple small decorations for the nursery and possibly clean up the cats mess since he has taking over the bathroom. LOL We also have the John Mayer concert this weekend. We bought tickets for these a long time ago... JJ has a serious man crush on JM.
What I miss: Santinis Roast Beef Sub. Will one sub hurt??? JJ did promise though he will bring one to me in the hospital after Squishy makes his grand arrival :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

21 Weeks

How far along: 21 Weeks!
How big is the baby: Squishy is 11inches long (from head to toe) and weighs 1lb!
Total weight gain: So I was weighed at the Dr... haha. opps Lets just stick to Squishy is 1lb so Ive gained 1lb:)
Stretch Marks: NOPE
Best moment of the week: I had a great time in Myrtle Beach with my family:) The Dr told em to "watch my carbs" the day before Thanksgiving... shes crazy! I still enjoyed acouple pieces of my Grandma's apple pie. The weather was a little cold but thankfully we drove at night and didnt hit any crazy traffic.
Worst moment of the week: Ive been getting random muscle cramps  throughout the week. Ive had a few calf cramps, those suckers are painful! I also had one in my big toe last night and my middle finger (yes, my middle finger) today. I was flicking myself off for a solid 2 minutes. haha
Symptoms: My belly bumped into its first thing. I was getting out of the shower and my belly bumped into the sliding door. That was a little depressing.

Movement: I've felt two rather large kicks and some little fluttering a couple time throughout the day. Squishy is most active around 12/1pm. It makes me smile in the middle of my work day.
Have you started to show?: as Paula Deen would say: "mmmhmmm." Its a cute little baby bump.

Gender: Baby McD is a BOYYYYYY
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: This weekend is the Gartens Christmas party, Im excited to get all dressed up and see some people
What I miss: I miss Carbs! Im still enjoying a couple. But boy, do I love carbs. "Carbs Carbs Carbs, down into my belly!"

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

20 Weeks

How far along: 20 WEEKS. HALF WAY!!! Squishy is baking comfortably in my little oven.
How big is the baby: Baby McD is 10.5 inches long and weighs 12ounces. We're getting close to 1lb!
Total weight gain: I have a check up appt tomorrow. I bet they will weigh me. I didnt say if i was going to share or not.

Stretch Marks: NOPE
Sleep/Dreams: Sleep is good. Let me tell you, it is hard to get out of bed in the morning when its freaking freezing outside. Other then that, my energy is back :)

Best moment of the week: So this really doesnt involve squishy (well, maybe it does) my job made me an offer after one month of being temp to go full time. The money is good and I love the job, so im excited. I know both JJ and I are relieved.
Symptoms: My potty breaks have increased... it sucks. Our car ride to Myrtle ought to be fun... Sorry in advanced JJ

Movement: I felt him kick for the first time today! It was like a ninja inside my stomach trying to poke a new belly button hole! it slow at first then "hi-yah!" Im glad I was alone because I made a weird face.
Have you started to show?: Oh yeah! Every week Im surprised when JJ takes these pictures. I believe I said "holy crap" this week

Gender: We recently found out that Squishy is a boy!!
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: Tomorrow JJ, Caitlyn and I get to embark on an "3 hour tour... a 3 hour tour..." Yeah right, more like an 8 hour adventure of traffic. Im going to see my mommy and daddy! Im so excited. Thanksgiving is going to be amazeballs! Baby McD told methat he was excited for Grandma's homemade apple pie :)
What I miss: I went to brunch with Erica and Ru and it was $3 mamosas. **Insert sad face here** RuthAnn did let me smell hers though!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gender Reveal!

So we had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday. It was about an hour long. The tech took a bunch of pictures of Squishy's head, heart, spine, all the organs. During the appt, she asked if we wanted to know the sex. I immediately said YESSS. and she like whispered it... "its a boy." I was border line freaking out on the bed, might have cried a little and I looked over at JJ and he had a smile on his face. :) Best feeling ever!

How far along: 19 weeks. Almost half way there!!! Woot woot
How big is the baby: 10 inches long and 10 ounces heavy! They now measure from head to toes, before it was from head to butt. About the size of a banana.

Total weight gain: I didnt get weight at the Drs... haha YES!

Stretch Marks: dear 10 oz, golden bottle of cocoa butter. Thank you for your ever so creamy self to prevent stretch marks
Sleep/Dreams: Im sleeping pretty good. Minus the fact that the dog has an ear infection and she woke me up like 3 times scratching her ear. ughhh. Oh well, its JJ's night tonight. tahee

Best moment of the week: Finding out that we are going to have a little boy :)

Worst moment of week:  Waiting and waiting and waiting for the Ultrasound Tech to say something during our appt
Symptoms: I got a pregnancy massage last night. It was amazing. They have this pad the fits a baby bump, which is inevitable now. But it felt goooood. Hannah says I have Tourretts Syndrome  (yeah, i know, I cant spell. I tried to google it, dictionary.com, but it didn't work) all day I have been yelling HUMPPP DAAAYYYY 

Movement: I think I felt Squishy move... During the appt, he feel asleep and the Tech straight up like wiggled my stomach with her little magic wand to wake him up. And he woke up and Im pretty sure he was pissed and kicked!
Have you started to show?: oh yeah. Baby [its Wednesday which means] HUMPPP [dayyyyy] 

Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: Thanksgiving! I got approval from work to take Thurs and Fri off next week! 

What I miss: Santini's roast beef sub :(

Monday, November 18, 2013

19 Weeks

The week is FINALLY here! We have our Dr's appt tomorrow!!
We have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow at the Radiology department. They said the appt would be 30 mins-1 hour. They are going to take Baby McD's measurements and tell us if its a boy or girl!
I had a dream the other night that I had a boy, but it seems like the majority of people think its a girl.
Obviously, we are going to tell our parents first. We have something special in store for the GRAND mommies to be :) They both are up our butts in asking what time the appt is. My mom even thought I lied to her and my appt was really today, but no! Im super excited and I can't keep this secret from my mother for too long.
I think I might cry either way. The anticipation is killing me!!
Both of us have to go back to work after the appt but after work I just might have to go to Babies R Us and just buy something gender specific, just because I can.
Now, what do you think... cast your vote... Team Bow Ties or Team TuTu's :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

18 Weeks

I know I am a day late for Veterans day, but I did the board last night. 

How far along: Ive completed 18 weeks!
How big is the baby:  6" long! Squishy is the size of a grapefruit. (grapefruit sounds really good. PS I need a grapefruit spoon!! I really want grapefruit but I don't have the right spoon) 

Total weight gain: Lets see... According to my app, Squishy is about 6 ounces, so Ive gained 6 ounces :)
Stretch Marks: Nope. Still doing cocoa butter every other night. Its cold at night and JJ sometimes has the fan on... no bueno!
Sleep/Dreams: I had a dream that Squishy was a boy! (ahhhhh!) 

Praying about:  Hoping for a clean bill of health at the Drs appt next week!
Best moment of the week: Saturday night we had some friends over that we haven't seen in awhile Hannah, Khaled, and Walshy over for a big family dinner. We had some epic chicken enchiladas. The night ended with a water damaged phone, a burnt hand, a missing 36 pack of "bud heavy," and a couple people were left with some patchy memories. HA. And all I can say was that the queso and enchiladas were delicious, Squishy was very happy
Worst moment of week:  Putting a new hole in my belt... I managed that one with a paperclip and an envelope opener. #depressing moment

Symptoms: I have noticed that my appetite is starting to increase. But Im trying to be careful so I dont gain too much weight
Movement: Nothing! 

Have you started to show?: mmhmm

Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: My next ultrasound is in exactly one week!! AHHH im excited. We should find out if Squishy is a boy or girllll

What I miss: Mommy was telling me that she was prepping the SAUSAGE stuffing for Thanksgiving... I cant have sausage. It makes me sad. Its the only stuffing that I will eat... oh well, theres always next year

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

17 Weeks

So my board sucks this week. My orange looks wierd and I think my "17" is jacked up...
How far along: Ive completed 17 weeks! Almost half way baby. woot woot!
How big is the baby:  5.5" Squishy can fit in my hand :)
Total weight gain: Well, let me see. I think I just crush 3lbs of food between the chicken parm, spaghetti,  breadknots.. let just say I gained 3 lbs? **I really dont know, again avoiding the scale til the next drs appt
Stretch Marks: NOPE. The cocoa butter regiment has been turned down to every other night. Its too cold for me to lift my shirt and put cold lotion on and wait for it to dry off.
Sleep/Dreams: My energy is definitely back. I even had enough spunk to do the dishes [The other day and I have yet to unload the clean dishes yet. HA]

Praying about:  Keeping my fingers crossed about this Temp-to-Perm job finally getting pushed through to Perm. Its going good though :)
Best moment of the week: So funny story.. My App says that Squishy can hear better now. And I told JJ that I wanted him to tell Squishy a bed time story... he decided to put his finger inside my belly button and told Squishy "pull my finger!" Then he farted. I was crying but I dont know if it was because I was laughing so hard or the smell was like tear gas...
Worst moment of week: Shopping for bigger clothes was a little depressing... but on the bright side they were all $10 and under... wooooo
Aversions: I turned down bacon in a breakfast sandwich... what is wrong with me?!? I heart bacon! it sounds delicious but when it was in front of me, it just wasnt happening.
Symptoms: My back has been sore the past couple days. I dont know if its from my new work chair and im start to sitting weird or something. but dang, its uncomfortable
Movement: still nothing. Im hoping Squishy
Have you started to show?: mmhmm...
Gender: JJ still is determined it's a girl. RuthAnn thinks its' a boy, Victor thinks it's a girl... My parents just hope that my kids is a crazy as I was :) Time will tell! Im beyond anxious for my next ultrasound!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to:
What I miss: I miss my crazy a$$ co workers!! (ok this isnt relly pregnancy related but still) Its strange to go from seeing them almost every day to barely texting. We laughed, we cried, we gossiped and they shared all their wonderful birth stories. and when I say wonderful, I mean graphic and horrible but I really do love story time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

16 Weeks

It took me 20 minutes to draw the freaking "6" on my board... damn OCD and its still not perfect... dont judge, I might hurt you. JJ did draw that beautiful pumpkin though :)
How far along: 16 weeks!

How big is the baby: 5" and weighs 5.5 ounces. My App says that Squishy can fit into my hand :)
Total weight gain: Im avoiding the scale til the next Drs appt. HA
Stretch Marks: Nope.
Sleep/Dreams: My energy seems to be coming back. Which is nice. I can make it through the day without feeling I'm going to crash!

Praying about: New job is going really good. Theres potential for more permenant growth, so Im keeping my fingers crossed for that.
Best moment of the week: JJ put the crib together! It looks perfect. (I might have sat on the floor and cried for a second.) Also, acquiring a space heater (PS. greatest invention on Earth) was amaze-balls. I put it in the bathroom so its warm when i get out of the shower and JJ turns it on in the morning so its warm when I have to get up
Worst moment of week: Just now... when JJ took the pic and I saw it for the first time... holy crap, belly! i didnt know it was THAT obvious. HA

Aversions: The dog got sick on the carpet and I tried to help clean it up. Yeah, not a good idea. I myself started dry heaving... I almost had to walk outside and get some fresh air. Thankfully, my brave husband saved the day!
Symptoms: is chocolate doughnuts a symptom? mmmmm. They make me happy. (hence why im avoiding the scale)
Movement: Still nothing, I think. I dont really know what its suppose to feel like. Nothing out of the ordinary though.
Have you started to show?: oh yeah... Squishy is starting to pop out
Gender: 4 more weeks til we find out!!!
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off: On
What I’m looking forward to: Im excited for Halloween in the new house. Although we dont really have any decorations up, there are alot of kids in the neighborhood so hopefully we get some trick or treaters!!
What I miss: Laying on my tummy. Its weird getting use to sleeping on my back. (Plus I think i snore when Im on my back, soooo I think JJ misses me sleeping on my back too. LOL) If Im on my back, the cat loves to sleep on my chest and I dont really mind... hes warm and his purring puts me to sleep.