Tuesday, December 10, 2013

22 Weeks

So i love this picture and I really wanted to post this instead of the traditional white board. But it will be back next week. This was us getting ready for the Gartens Xmas Party. How about that belly?! Booooom
How far along: 22 Weeks! 18 weeks to go... Holy crap, if thats not a reality check?!

How big is the baby: Squishy is around 11 inches long, almost the size of ruler! I looked at a ruler today... its bigger then you think. He is a little over 1lb.
Total weight gain: nun-ya-damnnn business :) Not too bad though.
Stretch Marks: nothing!
Best moment of the week: I had alot of fun getting all dressed up and going to Gartens Xmas party. It was at there winery and it was gorgeous with LOTS of food. PS. Panty hose suck! I was pretty pathetic trying to put them on, I told jj to close the door and let me struggle in silence.
Worst moment of the week: Im going to vent about the dog for a second. This doesnt really have to do with Squishy, but I got home, she peed in the LoveSac, pooped on the floor and knocked over the cat gate and ate his food. Twice. I was NOT a happy camper. I guess this is what I have to look forward to.
Symptoms:  My belly is starting to get in the way a little bit. I bump into corners every once in awhile. Im trying to be a little more conscience (I think thats how you spell it.) but thats not helping too much. They are just little bumps though. Nothing crazy.
Movement: Yup, little movements here and there. He likes to move around after lunch time and when I lay down at night. JJ had his head on my stomach trying to feel squishy, but unfortunately, he couldnt feel anything... not yet. (I have bumped into him mulitple times with my stomach, that counts, right??)

Have you started to show?: Id freaking say! My belly is bigger then my boobs... If thats not a sad realization. (it took alot of guts for me to admit that...)
Gender: Baby McD is a BOYYYYYY
Labor Signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out: In

Wedding Rings On or Off:

What I’m looking forward to: Well, this week so far, JJ and I have fixed two toliets. Now we are going to work on cleaning the place up a little bit, a couple small decorations for the nursery and possibly clean up the cats mess since he has taking over the bathroom. LOL We also have the John Mayer concert this weekend. We bought tickets for these a long time ago... JJ has a serious man crush on JM.
What I miss: Santinis Roast Beef Sub. Will one sub hurt??? JJ did promise though he will bring one to me in the hospital after Squishy makes his grand arrival :)

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